乒乓球资讯 >> 正文


网络 乒乓球 4年前 0

今天给大家说说关于用英文怎么介绍打乒乓球的内容,打乒乓球要点:(1)发球。好的发球可以得分,要演习发旋球。(2)推挡。直握球拍,拍子和乒乓球桌要垂直的,如许才有力道。(3)进攻。要从每一 ,下面我们来看看本文究竟说了些什么,有没有对您有点帮助。

打乒乓球要点:(1)发球。好的发球可以得分,要演习发旋球。(2)推挡。直握球拍,拍子和乒乓球桌要垂直的,如许才有力道。(3)进攻。要从每一个地位去演习,一向到可以或许持续击中对方球台的任何地位为止。(4)弧圈球。它有很强的稳固性和进击力。(5)反手进攻。收腹,下降身材重心。拍顶先指向本身腹部,然后小臂发力击打。(1) serve. Good serve can score, to practice hair spin.(2) Push the gear. Straight grip racket, beat and table tennis table to be vertical, so that there is strength.(3) Offensive. Practice from each position until you can hit the opponent's table in any position.(4) Arc ball. It has a strong stability and attack power.(5) Backhand attack. Abdomen, reduce the body center of gravity. Beat the top of the first point to their abdomen, and then hit the arm force hit.
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