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Lie Flat有感

网络 健身知识 2年前 0

今天给大家说说关于Lie Flat有感的内容,躺平Lie flat是指一些年轻人放弃奋斗、不思进取,他们或逃避竞争、低欲望生活,或不想工作、回家啃老,类似美国的归巢族。选择躺平的人, ,下面我们来看看本文究竟说了些什么,有没有对您有点帮助。

Lie flat
Another buzzword, tang ping, or "lie flat", describes Chinese youngsters who have little ambition and do the bareminimum to getby. It turns out that the "lie-flatters" are from well-off 战鼓传说官网families, born with a silver spoon in their mouths, or believe that whatever happens to them, they have basic medical insurance, pension and unemployment subsidies to fall back on, Qin said.
"This is totally different from previous generations, who didn't have the luxury to 'lie flat', because they had to tighten their belts and work hard to earn a living," he said, adding that younger people are facing greater pressure than older generations when it comes to employment.
Qin said more peopledon't approve of the "lie-flatters", who they believe are self-centered, and have greater respect for the "heroes in harm's way".
As far as I am concerned, in a sense, those who are recognized as "lie flat" could be more likely to regard as the "heros in harm's way" actually. The reason is that the overcoming卷首语冲破藩篱 reality have been pushing all of us to plunge into endless competition, and hardly everyone can't escape it optimistically. I can deliver such a ri异界之菊花宝典diculous view, which is determined by recent statement. I am so tired, anxious, nervous that I can't undertake the known burden or unknown fate that I will face.
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// Lie Flat有感 //
